Our mission in Birmingham is to provide underserved communities with the transformational benefits of community sport. 

Health inequalities are prevalent throughout Birmingham. Despite the city’s sporting reputation, most recently illustrated by the 2022 Commonwealth Games, there is also a real need to improve access to inclusive community sport in the region.

260,000 people are “inactive”, representing 30% of the city’s population1, and a large portion of Birmingham’s communities live in the 10% most deprived areas in England2. Moreover, the latest census shows that 19.9% of the area's population identifies as having an impairment.

Our focus in Birmingham is to address these issues by further developing inclusive community sport across the city. By tackling the access barriers currently excluding disadvantaged and disabled young people, we can open communities up to the life-changing benefits of physical activity and sport. Working in partnership with Sport Birmingham and our on-the-ground team, we train, equip and support community sport clubs across the city.

After launching the project in November 2023, we will be:

  • Developing a network of inclusive clubs
  • Collaborating with local partners to improve Birmingham’s community sport offer
  • Upskilling coaches and volunteers to run inclusive sessions.

If you'd like to find out more about our work in Birmingham, please get in touch with:
[email protected].



1 Birmingham City Profile, Sport England, 2022 
2 Deprivation in Birmingham, Birmingham City Council 2019