Changing Places is Access Sport’s system-change approach applied to whole cities or local authority areas, embedding disability inclusion in community sport for good. Our Changing Places model is replicable enabling us to work in partnership with other cities and local authorities to become beacon examples of inclusion in sport and physical activity.

Our hyper-local approach enables us to intensively support community sports organisations to become more inclusive to disabled people and their families. We support our clubs and volunteers to become champions, inspiring others to embark on their own inclusive journey.

Through our work in Bristol and London, we are spearheading the development of the Ignite Bristol and Ignite London networks, with local partners. The Ignite networks bring together local, regional and national partners in a cohesive cross-sector group focused on inclusive sport and physical activity. The networks are supporting the development of life-long participation by sharing signposting, best practice and development opportunities in a fair and accessible way.

Our projects are co-designed and supported by a strong network of partners, influencers, ambassadors and community champions. We work closely with local partners across the sport, disability, health and education sectors to establish genuine inclusion and choice of opportunities within local communities.

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Disability Inclusion Homepage