Bristol Boccia Club growing from strength to strength! Bristol Boccia Success Access Sport’s Boccia club has been going from strength to strength over the past few months with many achievements. For the first time since the club began, players from the club participated in the Heathcoat Cup and the National League which enabled them to put all the skills and techniques they had learnt at club sessions into practice. The players were able to take part in a friendly and exciting competition supported by leaders and coaches, one of whom had recently completed her Level One in Officiating Boccia. It also gave the players the opportunity to meet up with other teams, socialise and to learn new tactics. Other successes for the club have included one of the volunteers attending the national coaching conference in Nottingham to learn new and innovative coaching skills and games to inject into the club sessions and young leader Lauren winning two awards at Wesport’s Celebration of Sport Evening. Irwin Mitchell have also offered their support and in partnership with Boccia England are training their employees to help support the club sessions on a Friday night. For more information on Boccia please contact [email protected] 07917 753937