Family Centre for Deaf Children Summer Fair After supporting the Family Centre for Deaf Children at an event held in June at Elmfield School Access Sport returned to deliver an inclusive sports day for their 2017 Summer Fair. Held at Windmill Hill City Farm, twenty families enjoyed a variety of activities engaging all abilities. After the success of introducing Boccia to the group previously, Access Sport provided the opportunity to engage in fun games working on the various skills that could be transferred to a full game of Boccia. Participants both new to the game and those who had played before enjoyed learning and developing their throwing and tactical skills. It was great to see so many young people and parents getting involved especially as it was National Boccia Day. Access Sport also delivered a ‘tri-golf’ session, a new sport to many of the participants. Many parents explained that they saw golf as inaccessible to their children and often perceived as elitist. With the help of an interpreter, Access Sport were able to deliver fun, easy to understand target based games, working on distance control, there was also a maths element to the games with different targets representing a numerical value. The game was embraced by all abilities and proved that in the right environment, with the right support, barriers can be broken down to ensure all have a positive and fulfilling experience of sport, whatever that sport might be. The day also provided an opportunity to advertise the upcoming Bristol Inclusive Climbing Festival (BICFest)taking place on the 1st and 3rd of September at local partners The Climbing Academy and Redpoint Climbing Centre – the annual event provides young people the opportunity to participate in inclusive climbing activities. Through Access Sport’s partnership with the Family Centre for Deaf Children, Helen, one of their interpreters will be volunteering over the weekend. For more information please contact [email protected] 0117 941 5829