Bristol Down Syndrome Football Club had an incredible start to the New Year with a special invitation to watch Bristol City play Norwich at their home Ashton Gate Stadium.

The growth of the club started after wanting to explore new ways to become more self-sufficient. With Access Sport’s help, a twitter page was set up to spread the message about what the club does, as well as hoping to reach out to new participants and volunteers.

Within just two days, the twitter page generated a huge buzz thanks to Bristol City's own football legend, Scott Murray, tweeting the DS Football Club:

The club jumped at the chance! And Scott visited, providing a fantastic coaching session for the participants and volunteers...

After Scott tweeted the Bristol Down Syndrome Football page offering to coach a session for the club, incredibly, Bristol City Football Club also got in touch and generously offered free tickets to the players and their families to watch a Bristol City match, as well as providing a brand new kit for all of the players! On top of that, Scott also gave the club a signed Bristol City top to help their continued effort to raise funds.

On the 13th of January 2018...

Bristol Down Syndrome Club attended Ashton Gate to watch Bristol City play Norwich in what was, for most of them, their first time at a football match and visiting a stadium – and the experience did not disappoint. Ollie, a member of the club said he “had a fantastic day!”

The atmosphere was buzzing, the young players got stuck in shouting and cheering for Bristol City, with huge smiles all round. The group gained a new understanding of the game and skills and knowledge from the match which they look forward to trying out at their weekly sessions.

The club continues to grow each week and within just a few months has gained four new volunteers, and two new participants. It has been a great start to the year for the club, and Access Sport looks forward to seeing what the future holds for Bristol Down Syndrome FC.

Thank you to Scott Murray, Jon Lansdown and the Bristol City Football Club for their generous support and for inspiring this wonderful young club.

Bristol Down Syndrome Football Club aren’t the only ones that think that 'Coach' Scott is awesome…!