Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) takes place on Thursday 27th January 2022. It’s a time to pause and remember the six million Jews, 350,000 D/deaf and disabled people and other groups who lost their lives or whose lives changed beyond recognition under Nazi persecution and in subsequent genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. To find out and learn more, visit the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust. 

One Day marks the theme of this year. One Day that we put aside to come together to remember and learn, in the hope that there will be One Day in the future with no genocide.

Many D/deaf and disabled people were targeted during the Holocaust and sadly still continue to face discrimination and prejudice today. We recognise that D/deaf and disabled people face barriers to participation across many areas of society, including the opportunity to be physically active and take part in sport.

Access Sport’s Disability Inclusion programme uses the power of sport and physical activity to combat discrimination and exclusion, with a strong focus on under-served communities.We want to create equal opportunities for disabled and non-disabled people to participate together in their local communities. We do this through our own work and by working in partnership at a local, regional and national level.

Whether we are delivering our Disability Inclusion training to community sports clubs, or running inclusive (Wingz) cycling sessions, we want to ensure that more disabled people can be physically active more often.

Click here to find out more about our work with D/deaf and disabled people and to find a project near you.

On Holocaust Memorial Day 2022, this One Day, we can all come together in our communities, to learn from the Holocaust and subsequent genocides. At Access Sport, we will continue to take action to promote inclusion and equality within community sport.

How you can get involved:

Holocaust Memorial Day Trust have informative and engaging resources you can take part in as a group or on your own to raise awareness of how different groups and how D/deaf and disabled people were treated during the Holocaust. 

Here we have highlighted some different activities for SEN young people you could try: 

  • Get creative and raise awareness of HMD – link here 
  • Make a piece of art that has a message you want to share – a hope for the wider world, people to be nice to each other
  • Sensory activity – link here
  • Try the statement Don’t Stand By through different experiences
  • Traditional Rwandan dance – link here 
  • Learn a traditional dance and celebrate Rwandan culture


If you’ve taken part in an activity and want to share with us what you’ve done, get in touch with us at [email protected]