On Friday 23rd June, Access Sport’s Ignite Programme hosted the Ignite Annual Event 2017 at the Copperbox Arena! The day saw young disabled people from across London attend the Olympic Park enjoying seven inclusive sports delivered by our very own community clubs. Schools had the opportunity to try para-sports such as Boccia and Goalball, as well as having a go at Basketball, Hockey, Football and Tennis.

O3e, a company who supports businesses to build and donate bikes and wheelchairs to charities and sports groups, kindly donated their services at the event. O3e bought a long their bike and wheelchair simulators where the young people could ride through a virtual London and other great landscapes. It went down a storm with the young people, with schools having mini challenges between themselves.


The young disabled people who attended all received a goodie bag which had freebies from Basketball England and Boccia England, as well as a fab Access Sport temporary tattoo!

The Ignite Annual Event 2017 could not have been possible without our great volunteers! We had our past and present Ignite Apprentices, Amar and Steven, as well as our work experience students who all have been involved with the youth development aspect of our Ignite Programme.


We would like to thank O3e for their donation of equipment and helping out on the day, it was definitely a highlight! We would also like to thank our community club coaches and volunteers who came along to coach as without them, the event would not have been possible!

If you would like more information about our inclusive community clubs in London or how you can volunteer with Access Sport’s Ignite Programme please email [email protected].