"Our vision is that no one should be excluded from the transformational benefits of community sport, and on Sunday that was the reality"

"It was inspiring to see so many young people try new sports that you know will have such a positive impact in their  lives."

Access Sport in partnership with WECIL and Out & About Consortium hosted the Ignite Bristol Inclusive Multi-Sport Festival on Sunday 10th July for disabled adults, children, and their families in St Pauls, Bristol.

The event was a real success with around 200 people involved in the day from participants and families taking part in the activities to 22 clubs and organisations delivering outstanding taster sessions!

Ignite Bristol is a movement which aims to get more disabled people active in Bristol. This festival was one of many events that showcase all of the inclusive, active, and local opportunities that the city has to offer to disabled participants. Following the event, we will implement the feedback gathered from participants and their families, so we’re able to best meet the needs, expectations, and wishes of disabled people in Bristol. Ignite Bristol continues to develop and improve opportunities for all, with 100% of attendees saying they would recommend Ignite Bristol to a friend or colleague.

Quote from Lizzie Edgecombe, Project Manager, Access Sport

“The Ignite Bristol Multi-Sport Festival on Sunday was a fantastic example of what can happen when we all work together. Whilst Access Sport and WECIL organised the event, none of it would be possible without the support of all the clubs and organisations, on Sunday, and year-round too. Our vision is that no one should be excluded from the transformational benefits of community sport, and on Sunday that was the reality. The coaches and volunteers engaged children, young people, and adults with a wide range of disabilities brilliantly to make sure everyone had a wonderful day. The smiles on faces said it all!”

The day had something for everyone with a combination of stalls, drop-in taster activities, structured sessions, and community consultation, visitors weren’t short of choice of something to get involved in!

You can take a look at the event by clicking through the photo gallery below, or click here to visit the photo gallery to download an image:

Ignite Bristol Multi-Sport Festival - Summer 2022

Quote from Jonny, Tennis Coach

“The Ignite Bristol Multi-Sport Festival was an incredible day to showcase all the inclusive sports Bristol has to offer! It was inspiring to see so many young people try new sports that you just know will have such a positive impact in their day to day lives.”

It was great to hear that 100% of participants and their families said they’d be interested in doing at least one of the sports again. It is here we hope events like these encourage disabled people around Bristol to get involved and find an activity that suits them.

Quote from parent

“The impact Access Sport has on us as a family is huge. It’s a safe space where it gives Edward the opportunity to explore different sporting activities in his own time and see whether he enjoys them. It also allows us a family to be able to join in together, there are not many places that supports a child with additional needs and their siblings. The day with Access Sport was excellent and thoroughly enjoyed by all of us. It’s important to have days like this so disabled children get to have a go at activities without having to worry about keeping up with other children or having to explain what they can and can’t do. Cannot wait for the next one!”


Here is an infographic that gives you a concise summary of the event:

For more information about Ignite Bristol

Please visit the Ignite Bristol website, or get in touch with Access Sport’s Project Manager Lizzie who currently Chairs the Steering Group: [email protected]