Planet Hoop was founded by Clara in 2018, with the goal to share the fun of hula hooping and circus with the world!

Putting Planet Hoop on the Map!

Each month the Inclusive Club Network is celebrating a club within the network that is doing amazing work in their community.

This month we’re celebrating Planet Hoop – an inclusive and creative space in the heart of Lewisham, that shares hula hooping, music and dancing with their community and offers lots of social connection.

When coach, Clara, recognised the lack of opportunities for disabled children and young people to take part in non-traditional sport and activity, they reached out to Access Sport to develop an inclusive session through Disability Inclusion training, promotion and networking.

We spoke to Clara to hear more about Planet Hoop’s journey so far and how working with Access Sport has helped them grow.

Positive Change – “I felt for the first time in a long while that, wow, these things are actually happening – like the links to London sport and the council. And it was just very practical and changes were happening as we were speaking, so that was really, really eye opening and impressive. And that's where I thought Wow, I'm so lucky to have to have started working with you guys. Because, you know, sometimes you can feel like you're on your own, but it doesn’t feel like that with Access Sport.”

Coach Development – “I just find the process fascinating, seeing what everyone responds to and what they prefer doing. It’s all very experimental, I’m still tweaking and learning. I was recommended to other spaces by Watergate School, and that’s given me the confidence and the financial input to keep doing this work.”

Teamwork – “It's so nice not to feel like I'm by myself. I actually feel like we [Access Sport] are a team, which means so much, especially when it is just me at Planet Hoop.”

Club Growth – “Access Sport have helped me deliver outreach sessions, which I wouldn’t have been able to do without you. The fact that you introduced Planet Hoop and the sessions to the special schools in Lewisham and Bromley led me to have contracts with other sites for 10 weeks.”

What’s Next? - “The goal is now to work with more schools in Lewisham and really bring them together and keep going with it and make it a programme, maybe develop an inclusion training for other hoopers…”

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Inclusive Club Network

If you would like more information on Planet Hoop, click the link below.
Planet Hoop