The High Sheriff Social Inclusion Project in Oxford has partnered with 5 new clubs as we continue to tackle inactivity and social isolation.

Phase three of the programme will run until June 2021. Access Sport will support a total of 15 community clubs and provide opportunities for 2500 young people, (who live in Oxford’s areas of deprivation or who have a disability) to take part in sport and physical activity.

Our new partner clubs are:

  • The Parasol Project [Based in Northway]

  • Body Politic [Based in Blackbird Leys]

  • Yellow Submarine [Based in Oxford City centre]

  • Oxfordshire Kickboxing Club [Based in Wood Farm]

  • Oxford City Athletics Club [Based in Horspath]

Access Sport believes every young person should be able to access sport and experience the power it can have in enhancing their life prospects.

Click here to learn more about the High Sheriff Social Inclusion Project. 

Oxford Contact - [email protected]