Origin Volunteer Day Members of Origin Workspace were able to give something back by rolling their sleeves up and getting stuck in! Access Sport partners with Origin Workspace to offer a corporate volunteering and BMX experience for Origin members. The first experience included Origin members Yuup, Bamber Education & TMW. The event on Thursday 29th September saw volunteers leave laptops in the office before heading down to Stockwood Bike Park in South Bristol. The day was split in two halves, with the morning all about giving something back to the local community, and the afternoon offered the chance for the group to ride the track and enjoy a coached session. Stockwood Bike Park sits in an isolated and underserved area of Bristol. The off-road cycling facility creates an opportunity for disadvantaged and disabled young people to learn to ride a bike in an exciting, safe and local setting. For the volunteers, Stockwood Bike Park was a very different setting from the usual working environment. Giving Something Back On arrival, the group of 10 volunteers set up a shelter from the morning drizzle and watched a group of young riders from Lansdown Park Academy Pupil Referral Unit start their BMX journey on the track. This was an opportunity for the volunteers to observe one of Access Sport’s ‘outreach’ sessions typically offered to local schools as part of the charity’s inclusive cycling offer. Once the session was underway, the volunteers got stuck into a range of essential maintenance tasks, including litter picking, weeding, cutting back overhanging branches, clearing pathways, sweeping the track, clearing out and cleaning the container, cleaning helmets, removing graffiti, checking bikes, pumping tyres and doing other bike maintenance tasks. These activities were all vital and had been pre-planned to ensure that the volunteers’ time and efforts were focused on the most important tasks. The impact of the volunteers’ hard work was apparent at the end of the day and the team's efforts have helped ensure that Stockwood Bike Park remains clean, safe and welcoming for visitors from the local community. Origin Manager Rob Hingston said: “Working as a volunteer for the day provided an ideal opportunity to understand the value and experience that Access Sport bring to so many children and to see how this experience is enhanced with well-maintained facilities and bikes. Members of Origin Workspace were able to give something back by rolling their sleeves up and getting stuck into some routine maintenance tasks as well as experiencing a coached BMX session. Everybody who attended now has a much greater understanding of how Access Sport are helping to change lives of disadvantaged and disabled young people.” The BMX Experience After lunch – provided by Nico’s Kitchen – the group was offered a unique opportunity to ride the track under the guidance of a qualified BMX coach. This was a chance for volunteers to experience a coached cycling session like the sessions delivered to children and young people as part of Access Sport’s inclusive cycling offer. Observing the energy and excitement that this experience brings to others can be just as thrilling for those that just want to watch. Stand for inclusion We’re on a mission to make sure no child is excluded from the transformational benefits of community sport. We can’t do this alone. If your organisation shares our passion for community sport, there are loads of ways you can help bring this vision to life. Please get in touch with Amy to find out more about our corporate partnerships:[email protected]