Oxford City FC and Access Sport are working together on 'Grow'  a programme to increase female involvement in sports coaching, leadership and management.

Participants will receive training, mentoring, be supported with placements and given the opportunity to attain qualifications.

Surveys of the current sports volunteer workforce in the UK has highlighted the need for more females to be involved in coaching and managing sport, from grassroots through to elite. By creating 'Grow' , Oxford City FC are taking steps towards resolving this.

Alex has been playing football since she was 5 years old and is one of Grow’s first participants. She decided to get into coaching after completing a work placement with Ignite Sport UK and Oxford City FC through school. Alex now regularly coaches across community sessions and now helps with an Oxford City FC Girls’ team.

“It was quite intimidating when I first started coaching. It’s sometimes hard when you are the only girl. But the support that this programme has given me has increased my confidence in myself and my ability. I really like working with the girls’ team as the players look up to you and really try to take on board what you are saying. The support you get with your qualifications really helps too. I am really looking forward to completing my level 1 in the New Year as the programme gives me a holistic support network. I am also looking at a career in sports coaching because of this programme.”

Participants of Grow will each get their own personalised development plan, have access to mentoring and funding for qualifications. As the programme grows, the participants will also get the opportunity to take part in exclusive workshops as a group. Additional opportunities such as; conflict resolution training and public speaking will support the development of participants into well-rounded leaders, who are ready to complete their Level 1 and 2 coaching qualifications.

You can read the complete Press Release here

Grow is being supported by the National League Trust, Ignite Sport UK and Oxfordshire FA.

For further information on how to register your interest as a participant or to offer support to the programme please contact Ruth Senior. Please note spaces are limited to express your interest early to avoid disappointment.

T: 01865 750906

M: 07880190594

E: [email protected]