Pamela Cookey became an Access Sport Ambassador in 2024. Inducted into the England Netball Hall of Fame, a former England netball captain and was widely recognised as one of the world’s best attacking players.

Having retired from international netball in 2015, Pamela has stayed involved in the game via various roles. She was the Director of Netball at Severn Stars, is a member of the Sky Sports Broadcasting team, a Mintridge Netball Ambassador and the Independent Chair of Fearless Women, where she helps to enhance and drive positive change in women’s sport.

“The work I have seen Access Sport provide to date is just amazing. The disadvantaged young people who have thrived through the support and funding over the years are so special to witness. The organisation really cares and champions a cause close to my heart. Where people can help, and that help can be life-changing. I want to be a part of that as I have seen first-hand the joy, and the benefits sport can inspire.”

Pamela Cookey, Instagram