Our Work Changing Sports New Sports Help us change more sports for the betterFind out more > Access Sport has a strong track record of working with National Governing Bodies, NGBs, and other sports organisations on the creation of new social and disability inclusion offers, as evidenced by our Flyerz hockey and Hoopz basketball programmes, in addition to our work with British Cycling and other partners. Through Changing Places - our place based, multi-sport work, we have also supported community clubs across more than 30 different sports and physical activity offers. This has included a range of traditional, non-traditional and disability-specific sports such as football, boccia, yoga, dance, fencing, frame running, wrestling and martial arts. As part of our 2022-2027 Growth Strategy, we plan to expand our existing sport-specific offers and create new sporting offers. New inclusive swimming, climbing, cricket and group exercise offers are all currently in development. We act as a trusted partner to create and bring new inclusive offers to life. We know that NGBs and other sports organisations want to do more to support social and disability inclusion in their community clubs, but many lack the specialist resource or capacity to make this happen. We act as a trusted partner to create and bring new inclusive offers to life. When developing new inclusive offers our approach is to create a standardised core offer that can be easily scaled across multiple clubs, whilst maintaining sufficient flexibility so that it can be tailored to the needs of individual clubs and communities. We also aim to ensure long term sustainability by empowering and supporting club coaches and volunteers to deliver new activity. Our values and approach align with Uniting the Movement, Sport England’s 10-year strategy and we also aim to align new offers with other existing NGB youth programmes where appropriate. We invite all NGBs and other sports organisations to contact us and explore opportunities to work together on the development of new social and/or disability inclusive offers. To get involved please complete the form below and we will be in touch. Contact Us >