Change will allow 500 disabled children in Birmingham to access the transformational benefits of sport

We are looking for a partner to grow Change – a crucial project to change the lives of over 500 disabled young people in Birmingham.

Birmingham is the second largest city in the country and one of the most deprived and diverse.

More than half (51%) of children live in areas ranked within the top 10% of most deprived areas of the country.1

In Birmingham, just under 200,000 people have a long-term limiting disability or illness, yet only 13.5% of this population regularly accesses physical activity and sport.2

We are working across the city to positively impact these statistics through community sport and we need your help. 

By supporting this project you will be providing the transformational benefits of sport to disabled young people across Birmingham. 

Community clubs that offer disability-inclusive sessions are often lifelines for disabled young people and their families. Through our ongoing work in Birmingham, we know that our sessions are often the highlight of young people’s weeks, offering an opportunity to be active and socialise with their peers. 

Change will engage with local community clubs ensuring they have the equipment and knowledge to run disability-inclusive sessions. By supporting this project you will be radically expanding our current reach, ensuring local disabled young people can access the life-changing benefits of sport.

We have only just started working in Birmingham, through a partnership with Sport Birmingham. We aim to make inclusion the norm in community sport across Birmingham and the surrounding region overt he next few years. Through this partnership, you can help Change happen across the city and make a tangible difference in the lives of disabled children and young people.

If you would like to discuss supporting this project please contact: [email protected]


1 Birmingham City Council, Deprivation in Birmingham 2019. 

2 Sport Birmingham, Inclusivity.