Make sporting dreams a reality by bringing inclusive opportunities to 250 disabled young people in Manchester

We are looking for a partner to launch Dreams – a new initiative to get disabled young people active in Greater Manchester.

By teaming up with us, you can help make sporting dreams a reality, ensuring that over 250 disabled young people can access safe, inclusive and welcoming community clubs in their local area.

By supporting Dreams, you will be expanding the reach of our on-the-ground development team which is already hard at work in Manchester.

Community sport clubs are a fantastic vehicle to affect positive change for disabled young people. Through your generosity we can upskill them so that they can run regular impactful disability-inclusive sessions, as well as offer their disabled players bespoke equipment which can unlock the joys of being active. This work will have an unimaginable impact on disabled people and their families.

Dreams will support clubs like Summit Up – a climbing club based in Manchester. Summit Up was previously enthusiastic to engage young people from the local community in climbing, specifically new disabled climbers. However, they lacked the skills, guidance and expertise to run disability-inclusive sessions. To address this issue we provided the team with our bespoke Disability Inclusion Training and supported them to link with local SEN groups that were already involved with our wider Changing Places Manchester work. The centre now has over 50 regular disabled climbers attending both through their school and as mainstream members of the climbing community. 

It has been remarkable to see how quickly the Summit Up community have embraced their new cohort of climbers. Disabled young people have been regularly climbing in and amongst the wider community and we have seen a real sense of togetherness. Previously several of these young people were inactive and socially isolated, now they are part of a thriving inclusive community where they can socialise, get active and learn new skills.

Angela, Mum of regular climber Elliot, said:

"Elliot feels safe with his instructor and is comfortable in the bright and spacious environment at Summit Up. Other climbers have been very friendly, and two climbers recently offered to climb alongside Elliot to help guide him, which was lovely!"

By supporting this Dreams, you will not only support clubs like Summit Up but also disabled young people in the Manchester area. Together we will be able to expand the reach of our network and impact more disabled young people than ever before.

If you would like to discuss supporting this project please contact: [email protected]