Innovate will provide 300 disabled teenage girls with the physical, social and emotional benefits of sport

We are looking for a partner to launch Innovate – a vital project aimed at innovatively engaging disabled teenage girls in sport and physical activity so that they can experience the physical, social and emotional benefits.

Women in Sport’s ‘Reframing Sport for Teenage Girls’ research has shown that inactivity is contributing to teenage girls experiencing worrying mental health issues, including being less happy, more anxious and increasingly dissatisfied with their appearance. Disabled teenage girls are no exception to this disengagement.

Through our Changing Places and Changing Sports work, we have also observed that disabled teenage girls struggle to find sport and exercise that works for them.

Innovate will engage over 300 disabled teenage girls in community sport. By supporting the project, you will be providing these young girls with the opportunity to experience the sense of belonging that comes with being part of a thriving community club. 

Through your generosity, we can upskill clubs so that they can run regular impactful sessions for disabled teenage girls, as well as offer their disabled female players bespoke equipment which can unlock the joys of playing sport. 

Your support will go toward helping young girls like Demi. Demi is partially sighted and has never had the opportunity to learn to ride a bike. After visiting on of our pump tracks in Bromley, she has now realised that she can learn how to ride. 

When starting Demi struggled and found cycling overwhelming. She even had a moment where she did not want to continue. With the support of our inclusive cycling coach and encouragement from her friends and teachers, she decided to continue trying.

Calmly working at her own pace, she began to enjoy herself. Demi said: “I really enjoyed the sessions. I think that everyone should learn how to ride a bike. I am definitely going to keep cycling.”

Having been introduced to cycling through our outreach sessions, she is now a confident rider. Demi is often the kind of child that is overlooked. However, by supporting this project you can ensure that girls like Demi can access the transformational benefits of community sport.

If you would like to discuss supporting this project please contact: [email protected]