Lead will transform the lives of over 300 disabled young people through inclusive swimming sessions 

We are looking for a partner to grow Lead – a project to support disabled young people to access inclusive community swimming.

By teaming up with us, you will empower 300 disabled young people to learn the life-skill of swimming and experience the joy of the water.

Through Lead, our team of grassroots community activators will support existing community swim clubs to engage disabled young people, provide equipment to under-resourced pools and upskill instructors to deliver disability-inclusive sessions.

Through your support, we can use community swimming to make a tangible impact in the lives of disabled young people across the country. 

Lead will build on the impact we have already made at clubs like Waves Swim School in Bristol. Waves is a family-run swimming school that teaches children of all abilities. We have been working together since 2023 to establish a regular disability-inclusive session.

The majority of young people attending these sessions were previously completely inactive. Most of the swimmers find larger groups difficult and therefore cannot participate in mainstream activities at school. At Waves young people have access to one-on-one support, allowing them to enjoy themselves and participate in a safe and welcoming environment.

Carlianne, Mum of Regan – a regular participant, said:

“He absolutely adores swimming. It is the one thing that keeps him calm. He has severe ticks. When he is in the water, he doesn’t tick at all. Swimming is his midway point in the week, it offers that downtime. I think it has really improved his mental health”.

Together we can extend this work beyond Waves and start to make inclusion the norm in all swim schools. Through this partnership, you can help us take the Lead and open up disabled young people to the transformational benefits of swimming. 

If you would like to discuss supporting this project please contact: [email protected]